Next Level Racing® geht eine neue Partnerschaft mit dem führenden asiatischen Esports-Team, der Legion of Racers, ein. Das in Singapur ansässige Legion of Racers Esports-Team nimmt regelmäßig an nationalen und regionalen Wettbewerben teil, bei denen die besten Fahrer der Region in einem leistungsorientierten Auswahlverfahren ausgewählt werden.
Darüber hinaus ist Legion of Racers auch ein Veranstalter von E-Sport-Sim-Racing-Ligen in Südostasien und bietet eine Sim-Racing-Akademie für Fahrer, die ihr Rennkönnen verbessern möchten. Next Level Racing® und Legion of Racers haben eine Kooperationspartnerschaft geschlossen, in deren Rahmen die beiden Marken an Projekten zum Aufbau der Sim-Racing-Community in der Region arbeiten werden.
Demanding the best products and taking their performance to the next level is the common point between esports athletes and Next Level Racing®. Proudly supporting the global community of eSports, our athletes demand the best products for their training and competition. Next Level Racing’s® extensive relationship with the eSports community allows for continuous collaboration and improvement of current and future products. Esports athletes dedication to their talent combined with the best products is what creates excellence in the global community.
Next Level Racing® is proud to be present at Global events including E3, Supercars eSeries, Gamescom, Project Cars 2 ANZ, Toyota Velocity, Supercars championship, Formelaustria, Endurance eRacing Championship and many more. Our range of products offer our community the best solution for professionals and up and coming athletes to be the greatest.
Are you looking for a reliable and trusted partner for your next event? click here to find out more.
“Simulation is so important for any race driver. I find that using a simulator to practice that whenever I do get the chance to jump into a real race track situation, there is little to no “build up” to speed. I am able to drive straight out of the pits and be straight on the money doing good lap times straight away which I believe is largely down to the amount of laps that I practice in the sim. It has nothing really to do with the learning of tracks for me, it has more to do with speeding up the learning process and the concentration element of racing. By constantly pushing the limits in the sim, you are continually working out the fastest way to get a car around a track no matter the circumstances which in essence is what you are doing in a real world setting.”
Next Level Racing® has announced the Call of Duty® MWII Down Under Invitational. The event is set to bring together some of the best Call of Duty® players from Australia and New Zealand, alongside members from the Next Level Racing® community for an intense competition that is sure to be thrilling for gamers and fans alike.
The Call of Duty® MWII Down Under Invitational is the latest in a series of gaming events hosted by Next Level Racing®. Highlighting a line of products specially designed for first-person shooter games: the Elite and Pro Gaming Chairs, as well as the latest addition, the HF8 Haptic Feedback Gaming Pad.
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